
Imperial navy trooper star wars
Imperial navy trooper star wars

They could be a cheap, but powerful, unit with good weapons and good saves, but practically no courage. Mudtroopers/Imperial Army troopers could be very interesting, depending on how they're designed. We don't care if something impinges on the role of an existing unit, we don't care if if something isn't top-tier, and the aesthetic and narrative appeal of a unit is as important if not moreso than how it functions in the game itself. I know a lot of the more gameplay-oriented people find it hard to grasp this, but a lot of us are here because this is a I know a lot of the people who're primarily in this to collect stuff associated with the original movies would be very happy to have Navy Troopers even if they're not a revelation in terms of game mechanics. Not everyone is driven by the fairly narrow dictates of Organised Play, and to me the prospect of building an Imperial Army force of grubby conscripts, chippy flight school discipline violators, and ST Corps washouts is very interesting even if it probably wouldn't end up on the top tables at Worlds. The problem with imperial army/navy troopers is they just arnt interesting at all. I so wanted Navy Troopers for Imperial Assault! I live in hope. IV they are deployed in numbers to combat Luke, Han, Chewie and Leia when the infiltration of the Death Star is discovered and the alarm is raised but they weren't on guard duty in the Detention Block, were they? That was our missing Navy Troopers! Just one example of the still-impressive depth to the worldbuilding in those OT films. In the OT films, stormtroopers have a more 'offensive' role, as suggested by the name (inspired of course by the elite German 'Stosstruppen' of WW1, used most famously in the March Offensive of 1918).

imperial navy trooper star wars

This makes them perfect opponents for a game in which a team of rebel infiltrators are breaching an imperial base. manning the Endor base and on the two Death Stars. Yup, I sometimes wonder whether the team that makes these games has recently watched the films! In the OT, Navy Troopers are clearly second-line garrison/defence units. Unfortunately someone at FFG seems to have a religious law against anything but stormtroopers.

Imperial navy trooper star wars